Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LX
Written by Nertila MALUSHI, Lumturi PAPA, Margarida MAIA, Hugo OLIVEIRA
Chemical analyses, enzymatic and Tilley and Terry digestibility were used to describe the feeding values of thirteen feed samples. Two samples were from common used feeds in ruminant animals feeding: alfalfa hay of two successive cuts and nine other feeds representing under-utilized ones in ruminant feeding like as cereal straw, faba bean straw and pea straw collected at the end of vegetation. All samples were analyzed for their chemical content of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ash, crude fat, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN) and neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen (NDIN) and enzymatic digestibility of dry matter. The under-utilized feed, pea straws and faba pods have similar chemical content for main Weende parameters. They have higher values for CP that cereal straws (31-34%) and lower value of CF (11.6%). The NDF and ADF content of pea straw and faba pod resulted lower that in cereal straw respectively 24% and 14%. The dry matter digestibility (DMD) determined with enzymatic and Tilley and Terry methods resulted to be higher in pea straw and faba pod in comparisons with that of cereal straw respectively 20% and 18%. The dry matter digestibility values determined with Tilley and Terry method for all feeds included in the study resulted higher than DMD determined with enzymatic method. The results of DMD determined by two “in vitro” methods were strongly correlated. According to R2 -value (0.99) the DMD determined by Tilley and Terry method could be predicted from enzymatic test as most convenient since it does not need animals.
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