ISSN 2285-5750, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769, ISSN-L 2285-5750, ISSN Online: 2393 – 2260

More about on local differentiation of Albanian local sheep populations

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV
Written by Lumturi PAPA, Kristaq KUME, Fehmi XHEMO

The estimation of archaism index was used to study the local differentiation of seven Albanian local sheep populations. The estimation of archaism index was carried out using the morph-metric data of several features: whither height, tail length, ears length, horns and wattles presence, coat color, frontal-nasal profile. The cluster analyses was carried out using the Euclidian’s distances between populations in the plan of two first principal components. The cluster analyzes showed the existence of four distinguish sheep groups: first group -Ruda, Bardhoke, Baca, second group – Shkodrane, third group - Lara of Polisi, Syska of Mati, and fourth group -Recka. Based on the geographic distances between the regions where are bred the animals of these local sheep breeds and their geographic isolation can be concluded that the presence of local differentiation of Albanian local sheep populations is caused by the isolation in distance. These results show that in currant sheep population of Albania it is possible to find direct descendants of animals that have populated the Balkan regions in the form of three migratory successive waves. Currant results could be consider as preliminary one because of limited number of features included in the study and the complicity of this topic. They can serve as a bases for in-depth studies on local differentiation hypotheses of Albanian local sheep population.

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