ISSN 2285-5750, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769, ISSN-L 2285-5750, ISSN Online: 2393 – 2260

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV

Raising Japanese quails for eggs and meat production has seen great development in recent decades because on the one hand of quail eggs and meat quality (rich and well balanced nutritionally, good taste), and the other hand due to natural medicine recommendations to consume these products with proven therapeutic effect. The aim of this paper was to determine the current average characteristics of incubation, the medium productive performances of youth and hens quails of egg-meat mixed population "Baloteúti", important population for raising quails in Romania and in witch is applying consistently an amelioration program. The research has established the following production data: the average percentage of hatching is 66.34 ± 0.22%, average weight is 8.94 ± 0.56 g at 1 day of age, and 210.45 ± 2.29 g at the age of 42 days, average gain between 1 and 6 weeks of youth raising is 201.51 g / head / period, average daily consumption of fodder during 1-6 weeks of raising is 19.85 ± 1.23 g. The average laying between 1 and 40 weeks of hens is 74.45 ± 1.03%, the average feed consumption during 1 to 40 weeks of laying is 32.25 ± 0.78 g, while the average yield at slaughter is 73.43 ± 0.44%. Productive characteristics of Balotesti quails such as: high weight of the chick at one day of age, fast-growing to 42 days, high performance at slaughter, average percentage of laying up to the age of 40 weeks of laying make this quail population recommended both for the eggs and meat production. An advantageous feature is that males resulting from sexing in using for egg production can successfully valorised for meat as complementary production. Remain to be improved the incubation results of this population by applying proper egg storage conditions (temperature, humidity), using the incubation technology and incubators being constructed following studies strictly conducted on quail eggs.

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="Study about the productive charachteristics of quails from the ”Balotești” population"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="Lucian IONIȚĂ" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Elena POPESCU MICLOȘANU" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Ioan CUSTURĂ" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Minodora TUDORACHE" {/tag} 

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV
Written by Carmen Georgeta NICOLAE, Horia GROSU, Monica MARIN, Mioara COSTACHE, Nicoleta IȘFAN, Victor NIȚĂ

Increased competitiveness in the biological fish material market required the improving the quantitative characters of exploited species. One of the essential problems of heredity study quantitative characters is knowing the degree of hereditary transmission of characters from parents to offspring. Assessment of genetic determinism was based on heritability. This procedure requires knowledge of causal components of variance. The biological material studied consisted of 50 descendants of Ineu carp breed, who came from five mothers and ten fathers. Each descendant was measured for three characters: body weight, maximum body height and body length at the end of the first three summers of growth. For variance components analysis was used BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) methodology, applied to an individual animal model. The results showed that the characteristics considered their genetic determinism is low to medium and medium to high. Thus, it was found that, after the first summer of growth, morphological characters measured have a low genetic determinism (0.1615; 0.1894; 0.1708). After the second summer of growth, body weight and maximum body height have medium genetic determinism and body length high genetic determinism (0.4426). After the third summer, weight and body length have high genetic determinism and maximum body height has medium genetic determinism (0.3270). In conclusion, genetic determinism of considered characters is low to medium, an aspect which leads to the conclusion that to maximize the effect of selection is necessary to consider family selection.

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="Study concerning the evaluation of the genetic determinism of some bioeconomic and ecoeconomic characters in Ineu carp breed"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="Carmen Georgeta NICOLAE" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Horia GROSU" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Monica MARIN" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Mioara COSTACHE" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Nicoleta IȘFAN" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Victor NIȚĂ" {/tag} 

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV
Written by Elena SCRIPNIC, Suzana MODVALA

The hatching eggs disinfection it is a very important process of eggs hatching technology. The results of hatching process as well depend on the method of eggs disinfection before the incubation starts. Method of hatching eggs disinfection needs to be chosen in that way to improve the hatching eggs without harming pre and post development of poultry youth.Using of ultraviolet activation and different systems of magnetic fieldled to increase hatching index of geese eggs, better results of hatchability had the geese eggs after using magnetic field in system of permanent activation during 15 minutes and it was 75.3% in last experience or higher by 1.7% comparing with control group.Studding the embryo death during the hatching period there was established that the magnetic field used in permanent system during 15 minutes had a positive influence on this index and there was noticed the difference between first and control groups of 1.7 % for first group.Studding the number of received goslings of first quality there was noticed that it was higher in the second group wheresystem of split magnetic field was used during 10 minutes and it was higher comparing with control group by 4.2%.

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="Study of magnetic field and ultraviolet activation in geese eggs hatching"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="Elena SCRIPNIC" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Suzana MODVALA" {/tag} 

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV
Written by R. TARAȘ, D. DRĂGOTOIU, Lucica NISTOR, Camelia HODOȘAN

Using mixes of herbicides and fertilizers we obtain synergic effects between the components of those compositions, which is materialized in superior crops compared to the crops obtained when these products are separately used. The mix of fertilizer – herbicide is very efficient on the mono and dicotyledonous weeds of the corn crops. As well, the toxicity of these mixes to mammals is moderate, pertaining to the toxicity group III.

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="Study on the action efficiency of the mixes of herbicides and fertilisers in the corn crops"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="R. TARAȘ" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" D. DRĂGOTOIU" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Lucica NISTOR" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Camelia HODOȘAN" {/tag} 

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV

The purpose of present investigations was to determine the hourly frequency of paddock exploring and social behavioral manifestations in dogs housed in a specialized shelter in relationship with the male-female proportion and animals mean age in the group, to improve the latter structure. Findings indicate that a lesser male number and a lower female mean age in the group significantly influence female paddock exploring behavior, in that where more females and fewer males were accommodated showed the highest hourly frequency of female paddock exploring behavioral manifestations (with an hourly average of 1.58 ± 0.19 of behavioral manifestations). Hourly frequencies of play and aggressive social behavioral manifestations of females were also affected, recording a female play behavior higher in the case of keeping them with fewer males, but also for a lower female mean age in the group (with an hourly average of 0.98 ± 0.12 behavioral manifestations). Also, a higher male number and a lesser female number in the group increase the hourly frequency of female aggressive behavioral manifestations towards others (with an hourly average of 1.10 ± 0.10 of behavioral manifestations). Also, it has been registered a higher hourly frequency of female food theft in groups where the male number was lower than female number, correlated with lower female mean age. Regarding the influence of female number on male paddock exploring and social behavioral manifestations, it is obvious that a higher female number in the group, also correlated with a higher male mean age, reduces male aggressive behavioral manifestations towards themselves but increases the hourly frequency of male aggressive behavioral manifestations towards others (with an hourly average of 1.50 ± 0.24 of behavioral manifestations).

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="Study on the hourly frequency of exploring and social behavioral manifestations in dogs housed in a specialized shelter in relationship with the sex proportion and animals age in the group"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="Elena POPESCU-MICLOȘANU" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Carmena ȘERBĂNOIU" {/tag} 

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV
Written by Minodora TUDORACHE, Ilie VAN, Ioan CUSTURă, Elena POPESCU-MICLOșANU, Antoaneta POPA

A production cost means all costs for inputs consumption performed by the enterprise for goods and services produced and offered. Production costs are very meaningful about business quality and it is a decision-making condition for every producer; lowest cost level is the standard in choosing the right option. These researches were intended to give an overview about these problems. Objectives were first to find unit costs for feeds and kg live weight to broilers type Certificate and second to reduce unit costs by changing energy and protein content of feeds for these broilers. Experiment was performed with Ross 308 chickens, raised according to the technology to produce ecological poultry meat type Certificate. Three experimental variants were used; respectively three treatments/each variant and experiment design was in pens. Experimental period was of 56 days of age; feeding technology used was bi-phase, as following: group CM, with constant energy and protein level, group C1, with constant energy and variable protein level and group C2, with variable energy and constant protein level. Major production performances were checked and slaughtering was followed by cutting and finally all data were processed and read statistically. Finally unit costs per kg processed feed (1,308 – 1,362 lei) and per kg live weight (5,532 – 5,667 lei) were analyzed.

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="Study on unit cost of certificate-type broilers"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="Minodora TUDORACHE" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Ilie VAN" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Ioan CUSTURă" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Elena POPESCU-MICLOșANU" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Antoaneta POPA" {/tag} 

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV
Written by Gratziela-Victoria BAHACIU, Lucica NISTOR, Daniela BĂDESCU

Romania is well recognized for the wine consumption, vineyards and for its specific important varieties of grapes. Accordingly to the statistical data (EUROSTAT), in Romania the gross grape annual consumption for 2008 was 5.532 kg / inhabitant and 25.379 l wine / inhabitant. The objectives of this study were to analyze by comparison certain types of wines from Romania in order to underline the influence of the raw material and technology on the total quality of the final product. For this, there were selected home made wines, ordinary wines and also superior wines, red and white. The investigated parameters were: alcoholic grade, total acidity and pH, total and reduced sugars, sulphur dioxide, superior alcohols content and also sensorial analysis of the wine samples.

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="Study regarding the sensorial and physico-chemical characteristics of certain wines produced in Romania"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="Gratziela-Victoria BAHACIU" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Lucica NISTOR" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Daniela BĂDESCU" {/tag} 

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV
Written by Nela DRAGOMIR

Milk product is the essential for new born babies and has an important influence in human daily food. It’s important to know that quality milk directly influences the human health. This paper presents the effects of contamination milk on human health. Controllable factors that either positively or negatively influence the finally product are referred to the quality control. The use of good raw material is the primary importance for the achievement of the required finally product quality.

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="The contaminated milk and influences on human health"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="Nela DRAGOMIR" {/tag} 

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV
Written by Nicolae EREMIA, Mihail BAHCIVANJI, Andrei ZAGAREANU

Obtaining of bees products depends on the conditions of maintenance of bees’ families, organization of breeding work, selection, the honey and the quality of queens obtained from specialized apiary. The goal of the research was to determine the influence of using the algal suspension "Clorella Vulgaris" in acceptance larvae inoculating for queens rearing, length, diameter and mass of queen -cells, and mass of mated or none mated queens. There had been noted that using of algal suspension "Clorella Vulgaris" with sugar in the diet of queens nurse family, contributes the queen ­cells development, influencing the mass, length and diameter of queen -cells. During the active season for lack of natural harvesting (nectar, pollen), is beneficial to use algal suspension "Clorella Vulgaris" to supplement biological mixture of sugar 1:1, the amount of one liter per nurses family nutrition, from the moment of larvae inoculation to capped queen -cells (5 days).

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="The effect of algal suspension "Clorella Vulgaris" using in artificial raising of queens"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="Nicolae EREMIA" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Mihail BAHCIVANJI" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Andrei ZAGAREANU" {/tag} 

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LV
Written by Lovita ADRIANI, Tuti W., Elvia H., Endang S., Hendronoto A.W. Lengkey, S. Darana

Kombucha has been known as traditional medicine that can cured various disease.Kombuchatea is produced by fermented sweetened tea using symbiotic growth of fungus and bacteria.Functional properties of kombucha related to metabolite that has been produced glucoronic, catechin, epicatechin and niacin that have been reported to possess various biological activities. Eighty laying quails were used in the study to determine the egg fat and meat fat level in quails. Research using Randomized Block Design (RBD) with five treatments of Kombucha tea (0,10, 15, 20 and 25 %), and four replications. All treatments would be tested for the ability to decline the level of egg fat and meat fat, and the eggs was collected every week (0,1,2,3,4 weeks).The results clearly demonstrated that the laying quails meat fat, that have been consumed with the ration contain 20% kombucha tea for 3 weeks, has significantly (P<0.05)effect;and also decreased themeat fat compared to control, andby using kombucha tea for 3 or 4 weeks has no significantly (P<0.05) decreased egg fats. but egg fats has a tendency to decline compare to control. It can be concluded that Kombucha tea could be decreases the body’s synthesis of lipid in general include egg fats and meat fats.

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="The effect of Kombucha tea on egg fat and meat fat in laying quails (Cortunix cortunix japonica)"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="Lovita ADRIANI" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Tuti W." {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Elvia H." {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Endang S." {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Hendronoto A.W. Lengkey" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" S. Darana" {/tag} 

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