Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LVIII
Written by Vasile DREVE, Ion CĂLIN, Bogdan BAZGĂ
The Russian government adopted a list of products that are banned for a period of one year from the EU, United States, Norway, Canada and Australia. These products cover almost all milk and dairy products, meat products fruits and vegetables, as well as fish and crustaceans. These restrictions put a serious pressure on the European agri-food sector because of the temporary loss of a significant commercial market and because of possible cascade effects leading to oversupply on the internal market given the volumes involved and the quantity of perishable products banned in full harvesting season. Some sectors and Member States are more heavily affected - i.e. 31% of EU milk products export, 29% of fruits and vegetables export. The overall temporary restrictions currently applied by Russia potentially jeopardize 5 billion EUR worth of trade and affects the income of 9.5 million people in the EU working on the holdings most concerned.
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