Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Dumitru BACALU, Mircea Cătălin ROTAR, Livia VIDU, Iuliana CRÎNGANU, Carmen Georgeta NICOLAE
The Holstein-Friesian breed is the best known and most representative breed that produces large quantities of the best quality milk. A healthy Holstein calf weighs 40 kg at birth. Holstein bulls can weigh up to 1180 kg. The growth and development of calves are influenced by environmental conditions, but also by feed. For this study, the calf breeding group from the 0-3 months category was used. Calves were tested from a nutritional point of view, both in terms of the lactating diet and the concentrate mixture at different protein levels. The consumption of the mixture of concentrates per animal was measured, following the development of calves in this category and metabolic problems. The rations were differentiated by protein level. It was found that there are statistically significant differences in feed consumption due to the different ratios applied and the type of milk administered according to the feeding schedule.
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