Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 2
Written by Maria CIOCAN-ALUPII, Răzvan Mihail RADU-RUSU, Claudia PÂNZARU, Mariana NISTOR-ANTON, Vita BILKEVICH,Vasile MACIUC
The paper aims to highlight the productive performance of the Pinzgau breed exploited in the Dornelor Basin, Suceava County. In this sense, a herd of 12 head of cattle, belonging to the Pinzgau breed, was studied, both the red variety and the black variety, which were followed by the productive performances at the ascendancy and descent of the nucleus from the farm. Also, the parameters regarding the quality of milk obtained from the studied cattle were analyzed. The ancestry of the studied herd is valuable with productions in the mother (M) of 5496 kg of milk, 4.22% fat and 3.39% protein, in the mother of the father (MT) of 5562 kg of milk, with 4.095% fat and 3.45% protein , and in the mother's mother (MM) of 5613 kg milk with 4.21% fat and 3.49% protein. The milk production in the offspring had an increasing evolution as follows: on total lactation 5922 Kg milk in lactation I and 6474 Kg milk in lactation II, and on normal lactation of 4820 Kg milk in lactation I and 4843 Kg milk in lactation II with average values of 4.26% fat and 3.24% protein in lactation I respectively 3.91% fat and 3.29% protein in lactation II. Regarding the quality of the milk, it had an average value of 86,000 thousand / ml milk in the total number of somatic cells (NCS) which shows us a quality milking, in hygienic conditions, respectively keeping the milk after milking in hygienic conditions, which shows the farmer's care for the cattle on the farm.
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