Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVI, Issue 2
Written by Andriyana DMYTROTSA, Stakh VOVK, Maria VOROBEL, Oleg KLYM
Numerous scientific studies conducted in recent years have proven that, along with genetic and feeding factors, the provision and control of optimal microclimate parameters is closely related to the physiological state of animals, the course of the main metabolic processes in the body of pigs of different ages and productive groups. It is known that the potential productivity of animals under unsatisfactory housing conditions is realized only by 70-80%. Among these indicators, an important role in the process of growing pigs belongs to the microclimate of the premises - temperature, humidity, speed of air movement, its gas composition, concentration of harmful gases, microorganisms and dust in it. When pigs deviate from the optimal parameters, thermoregulation and metabolism are disturbed, the digestibility and assimilation of feed nutrients deteriorates, and as a result, productivity decreases, which ultimately negatively affects the quality of pork and the efficiency of production. Taking into account the constant intensification of pork production processes and climatic changes on the territory of Ukraine, the study of the influence of indoor microclimate parame-ters on metabolic processes and productive qualities of pigs of different age groups is relevant and of both scientific and practical interest.
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