Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXII, Issue 2
Written by Geetruida Josephina Valentina ASSA, Siane Carly RIMBING, Conny Kusuma Marhaeny PALAR, Wisje Lusia TOAR
This study aims to study the relationship between diversity and abundance of flies with cow skin defects according to differences in temperature and humidity in North Sulawesi. This research was carried out in two different regions: in the highland region, and in the lowland region. In the highland data was collected in cattle farms in Minahasa District such as in Kawangkoan and in Tompaso. The activities in lowland realized in South Minahasa Regency such as in Tengah, Poigar. Identification of fly species carried out according to differences the temperature and humidity. The results showed that insect abundance in cows skin defects was significantly affected by humidity (P = 0.023), but was not influenced by altitude (P = 0.341) or temperature (P=0.145). Cow skin defect was influenced by 66.8% by height, humidity, temperature, abundance, and diversity, and the remaining 43.2% was influenced by other factors. The diversity has a significant influence by altitude (P=0.034) and temperature (P=0.048) but was not the same to the humidity (P=0.138). It was obtained R2 value of 0.085 or 8.5% which meant that the diversity was influenced 8.5% by altitude, humidity, and temperature, and about 91.5% was influenced by other factors.
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