Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIII, Issue 2
Written by Marius GHEȚA, Marius MAFTEI, Iuliana BORDEI, Carmen Georgeta NICOLAE
This study is a part of an ample research regarding the pheasant exploitation systems. In Romania, the main game, for a long period, it was the hare. In the last decade the hare population has recorded a significant decreasing. In these conditions, the hunters will increase the pressure on pheasants. It is now very important, from economically point of view but not only, to produce more pheasants. Because of the Romanian politics regarding the protection of predatory game, an important increasing of pheasant population, in wild conditions, it is impossible. The pheasant farms from Romania were established between 1970 and 1980. The main purpose of these farms was to produce pheasant meat for export, and only secondary to produce individuals for population of hunting areas. More than that, the individuals obtained are less resistant, becoming an easy prey for predators. In these conditions, the knowledge of the other functional models from the western states and not only has a special importance. The literature cites record harvests of 10,000 pheasants annually on a plot of approximately 17,000 acres (approximately 6,883 ha).
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