Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI
Written by Sri Bandiati Komar PRAJOGA, Kundrat HIDAYAT, Perman IMAN
This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Reproduction of Animal Husbandry Faculty, and Laboratory of Biochemistry of Mathematic and Natural Sciences Faculty Universitas Padjadjaran at June 2012. The objectives of this research were to know variation of Pit-1 gen of Pelung singing cockerel and evaluate genetic parameter of Hatching Weight (HW). The data comprised of 76 HW-records as progeny from 5 cocks and 15 hens of Pelung using Paternal Halb Sib and 29-blood samples. Variance component and heritability were estimated by Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) using Animal Model with the program of VCE 4.2. Fixed effect was sex and hatching period. Variation of chicken Pit-1 gen was analyzed using PCR-RFLP and used 5 primers (PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4 and PR5) and 4 restriction enzymes. The average hatch weight was 33.83 ±2.42 gr. The heritability value was 0.5 ±0.05 as high category. The genetic respond to selection was 2.55 gr. The accuracy of selection of was 0.707. While selection intensity was 1.92% for 3 hens and 1 cock (sex ratio 1 male: 3 female). Presence or absence of deletions in a PCR fragment of the result can be distinguished by differences in the electrophoresis migration of the fragment. The result showed that there was deletion of 57 bp of insertion fragment length of 387 bp. In this experiment the difference migration did not occur in all samples, that was implicated with reverse and forward primer (PR1).
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