ISSN 2285-5750, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769, ISSN-L 2285-5750, ISSN Online: 2393 – 2260

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI
Written by Sri Bandiati Komar PRAJOGA, Kundrat HIDAYAT, Perman IMAN

This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Reproduction of Animal Husbandry Faculty, and Laboratory of Biochemistry of Mathematic and Natural Sciences Faculty Universitas Padjadjaran at June 2012. The objectives of this research were to know variation of Pit-1 gen of Pelung singing cockerel and evaluate genetic parameter of Hatching Weight (HW). The data comprised of 76 HW-records as progeny from 5 cocks and 15 hens of Pelung using Paternal Halb Sib and 29-blood samples. Variance component and heritability were estimated by Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) using Animal Model with the program of VCE 4.2. Fixed effect was sex and hatching period. Variation of chicken Pit-1 gen was analyzed using PCR-RFLP and used 5 primers (PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4 and PR5) and 4 restriction enzymes. The average hatch weight was 33.83 ±2.42 gr. The heritability value was 0.5 ±0.05 as high category. The genetic respond to selection was 2.55 gr. The accuracy of selection of was 0.707. While selection intensity was 1.92% for 3 hens and 1 cock (sex ratio 1 male: 3 female). Presence or absence of deletions in a PCR fragment of the result can be distinguished by differences in the electrophoresis migration of the fragment. The result showed that there was deletion of 57 bp of insertion fragment length of 387 bp. In this experiment the difference migration did not occur in all samples, that was implicated with reverse and forward primer (PR1).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI
Written by Osman ERGENE

The aim of this study was to compare two protocols for estrus synchronization and pregnancy rates for improving repeat breeder cows fertility over 6 months period. The study consisted of 63 Holstein cows from 3 herds. In each herd, 8 cows were allotted to group I, 8 cows were allotted to group II and 5 cows were allotted to control group. In group I (n: 24), repeat breeder cows received Progesterone Releasing Intravaginal Devices (PRID) on day 0 and PGF2alfa injection on day 8th and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone(GnRH) injection on the day 9th. The PRID was removed on day 9th and cows were artificially inseminated after the detection of estrus. In group II (n: 24), repeat breeder cows received GnRH on day 0, PGF2alfa on day 7th and GnRH on day 9th. Cows were artificially inseminated after the detection of estrus. In control group repeat breeder cows did not receive any treatment and repeat breeder cows were artificially inseminated after a behavioral estrus. The 2.00 ± 0.41 and 1.12 ± 0.23 days were found between the end of the treatment and time of behavioral estrus in group I and II, respectively the percentages of estrus detection were 95.8% (23/24) in group I and 91.6% (22/24) in group II. The pregnancy rates after artificial insemination were 56.5% (13/23), 36.3 (8/22) and 33.3% (5/15) in group I, II and control group, respectively. There was not a statistical significant difference for the estrus rates and pregnancy rates between the group I, II and control group. As a result, it is concluded that, both protocol in this study did not improve fertility of repeat breeder cows.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI
Written by Marius Eduard CAPLAN, Lorena Andreea MATEESCU

The first step of the infection process must triggered by virulent Listeria monocytogenes strains is the attachment to, and invasion of, the gastrointestinal epithelium. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the ability of L. monocytognes species isolated from different clinical specimens to adhere, invade and multiply in HEp-2 cells. All investigated L. monocytogenes strains exhibited the ability to adhere, invade and multiply in the eukaryotic HEp-2 cells, the internalization being followed by the activation of cellular signaling pathways, leading to the release of thin, long cytoplasmic extensions, vacuolization and apoptosis. The ability of L. monocytogenes strains to survive inside the host cell could explain their implication in chronic recurrent diseases and long-term colonization, the internalization process providing effective protectionagainst host defenses and antibiotic treatment.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI
Written by Iulia CAZACOV, Melania BUCARCIUC, Gheorghe BORONCIUC, Ion BALAN, Vladimir BUZAN, Nicolae ROŞCA, Ion MEREUŢA

Maintenance and strengthening of reproductive health is defined by need of the solution of problems in the field of veterinary and human medicine. In the conducted researches were used physiological, cryobiological and statistical methods. Their use allowed to establish that mexidol as the substance from a class 3-oxipurin, with concentration of 0,026 mg % in composition of the cryoprotective medium promotes increase of mobility, life expectancy and an absolute index of survival of spermatozoa after thawing of sperm of a bull, a ram and the man. These indicators substantially determines the reproductive health of posterity. The optimal concentration of mexidol has no specific meaning and is common for all of the studied species. Its positive effect is determined by the antioxidant properties, thanks to which it is possible to recover the structure and function of biological membranes after cryopreservation.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI
Written by Vidica STANAĆEV, Nikola PUVAČA, Dragan MILIĆ, Vladislav STANAĆEV, Milanka DRINIĆ

The aim of this work was to analyze the available data concerning the characteristics and effects of micro elements and their chelate forms in swine and poultry nutrition on production parameters and cholesterol content in the tissues of broiler chickens. Usage of copper chelate forms in piglets nutrition led to increased feed consumption by 4% and daily gain weight of 4.2%. The same trend was observed in fattening pigs fed diets supplemented with 200 ppm of copper, with increased daily gain by 14.3%. The research, which aimed was to explore the possibility of significantly lower inclusion levels of minerals, the introduction of organically bound forms in broilers have not any significant differences, indicating that the much lower levels of minerals in organic form had positive impact on production parameters of broiler chickens, and improved production results of hens and parents of heavy line hybrids. The inclusion of molybdenum and sulfur in feed with high levels of copper, 100 and 200 ppm had a positive effect on the broilers growth intensity. Adding 50 ppm of molybdenum and 50 ppm of sulfur in the mixture with 100 ppm of copper, at the end of the experimental period, increased the body weight of chickens for 8.35% compared to the control group, while in the second fattening period, the group with addition of 100 ppm of copper was most effective. Also it is observed a significantly lower concentration of copper (P< 0.01) in the liver in the presence of molybdenum, with and without the presence of sulfur, compared to groups that contained only copper in feed. The use of chelate forms of minerals in monogastric nutrition is a newer trend that is still not fully accepted in practical production and further research in this area is needed. In deciding whether to use a more efficient, but also more expensive mineral chelate forms, environmental requirements must be taken into account.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI
Written by Paul-Rodian TAPALOAGA

Milk is proved a complete food from latest scientific researchers. Milk and dairy products contain many nutrients and provide quick and easy way of supplying major vital substances in human being life. Due to their importance, their benefits to our bodies, health and mind, but not neglecting the financial aspects, many dairy units and also the processing units have to assure large amounts of good quality milk. The present study is a study case regarding the quantitative and qualitative milk amount in a dairy farm in the south of Romania. The livestock in the studied farm consisted in Holstein-Frisian cows in different stages of lactation, which were statistically analyzed from the milk quality and quantity point of view. During April 2011 and May 2012, based on the primary data recorded in the farm it was established the reproductive livestock, grouping the females in three categories depending on their lactation. There were recorded the cows in lactation and also the dry cows and the dynamic of the milk production was recorded daily and monthly, too. Due to the fact that the milk is processed in a special unit and after that goes to the market, the milk quality parameters were analyzed too. The recorded situation leads to the conclusion that the unit represents a high class unit in the Romanian dairy units.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI
Written by Flory REVNIC, Bogdan PALTINEANU, Gabriel PRADA, Gabriel Ovidiu DINU, Speranta PRADA, Cristian Romeo REVNIC, Cosmin ŞONEA, Cătălina PENA

The aim of our study was related with investigation of hormone excess treatment (Thyroxine and Hydrocortisone) upon heart and skeletal muscle metabolism, looking for modifications in nucleic acid and protein synthesis by means of radioisotope methods of 45Ca,3H Tryptohane and 3H Uridine uptake. In young heart rabbits treated with 0.625mg Hydrocortisone, a reduction in 45Ca uptake has been recorded, while in old rabbits there is a progressive increase in 45Ca uptake as a function of dose of hormone used. As far as skeletal muscle is concerned, both in young and old rabbits treated with Hydrocortisone there is a progressive decline in cellular receptors for 45Ca affinity. An increase in the uptake of 3H Uridine for 0.15 and 1.50 mg thyroxine in rabbit heart has been recorded while at 0.75mg there is a decrease in the uptake. In skeletal muscle, there is a progressive increase in RNA synthesis under hormone impulse as a function of admitted dose in comparison with Controls.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI

Ruminant feed processing technology is really needed in an attempt to increase the quality of Benggala (Panicum maximum) grass and other waste products. One of new local feed resources in North Sulawesi categorized as waste product is Sago waste which is abundantly available and has a big potential in providing animal feedstuffs. The present study was designed to evaluate the utilization of urea and optimal incubation time to produce the best nutritive quality when added to ammoniated Benggala grass. A Pleurotus ostreatus fungus was used to determine the optimal incubation time to produce the best quality of Sago waste. Research results showed that the best quality of ammoniated Benggala grass was seen at the addition of 6% urea with an incubation time of 21 days, as indicated by the increasing of crude protein, cellulose, and hemicelluloses. The best nutrient quality of Sago waste fermented with Pleurotus ostreatus was shown at incubation time of 30 days, as indicated by significantly (P< 0.01) increasing in protein content and the decreasing of lignin of Sago waste. Nutritive value evaluation of ammoniated Benggala grass and fermented Sago waste as fed showed a significant (P< 0.01) increase in dry matter and organic matter digestibility in vitro. It can be concluded that nutritive value of determined ammoniated Benggala grass and fermented Sago was increased as well asdry matter and organic matter digestibility in vitro.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI

Transport of broiler chicken pen to the slaughterhouse can lead to stress. Transportation stress substantially unavoidable, but it does not mean that the negative effects of stress can not be reduced. Efforts to suppress the detrimental effects of stress alternative transportation one can do with management prior to transportation, through provision of drinking water containing palm sugar (Arenga pinata). The objective of the study is to obtained the implementation and delivery of palm sugar pre-transportation to maintain the stability of broilers performance. The study was conducted on thirty five days in the Sumedang, West Java Indonesia. The transportation routes are held from the village carried Bentar Cibitung - Cipadung - Nagrag or 2 hours, Village Bentar Cibitung - Cipadung - Nagrag - Cipadung - Tanjungkarta - Cipadung - Nagrag or 3 hours, Village Bentar Cibitung - Cipadung - Nagrag - Cipadung - Nagrag - Congeang - Nagrag or 4 hours. Each car transport speed 50-60 km/hour. Research carried out by using the method of factorial experimental design Completely Randomized Experiment 3 x 3 x 3, Statistical tests performed to the influence of variance and differences between treatments were examined using different test real honest. A factor is the transportation of animal with three replications, namely A1 is a 2 hour transportation, A2 is a 3 hour transportation, A3 is a 4 hour transportation ; anti stress factor B with three replications, namely B1 is palm sugar 2%, B2 is palm sugar 3%, B3 palm sugar 4%. The study found that by implementation of palm sugar in different rations and drinking water makes a decreased of blood glucose ranges from 4.72 up to 8.75 mg/dL, glycogen ranges from 120.27 up to 130.34 mg/g.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science., Vol. LVI
Written by Iulian VLAD, Marius MAFTEI, Daniela IANITCHI, Mirela STANCIU, Andi FITA

Increasing of goats population, in the last ten years, conduct to the growth of mdern capriculture, based on massive imports of performant dairy goats from Alpine and Saanen breeds. Expectations towards a qualitative and quantitative production led to pretty important imports for specialized breeds like the Alpine, from communitary states, during the last 6 years. This study presents the results of some research started since the last semester of the previous year on some goat livestock from Alpina breed, livestock which was brought to the Garbovi farm, Ialomita county. The livestock presents the following morpho-productive traits, such as: live weight 59.81±0.29 kg, back height 69.35±0.29 cm, croup height 70.36±0.18 cm, oblique body length 75.9±0.20 cm, chest width 19.69±0.19 cm, anterior croup width 20.52±0.2 9cm, thoracical perimeter 91.31±0.38 cm, cane perimeter 9.12±0.04 cm, resulting a dolicomorphe body structure. The medium milk production in is of 1.90±0.26 l/head/day during the stalling months November-February, with average of November 61.07±1.7 l, December 78.56±2.07 l, January 92.34±2.93 l, and February 52.38±1.38 l, only during the first 120 days, and the chemical composition of the main constituent parts: Dry matter nonfat 9.3%, protein 3.53%, fat 4.02%, a significant quantitative and qualitative gain of goat milk especially when the local breeds don’t yield them.The females prolificity is of 146%, being a lot below the breed average over 130% in comparison with the average proven by the breed but also in comparison with the unameliorated breeds, this aspect being is a basical element in selection, next to the milk quantitative aspect. The gain recorded for goat youth over the 90 days is comprised between ADG1 0-30 days is 124.15 g/day, ADG2 30-60 days 209.78 g/day, ADG3 60-90 days 127.32 g/day of males and 106 g/day, 191 g/day, 115 g/day of females, during the whole period which was much over the average of Carpathian breed, especially milk ones, which have typical dolicomorphe structure but with a great productive and somatometrichal variability.

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