ISSN 2285-5750, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769, ISSN-L 2285-5750, ISSN Online: 2393 – 2260

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Silvia RADU, Nicoleta Georgeta DOBROTĂ, Mioara COSTACHE, Gheorghe DOBROTĂ, Daniela RADU, Nino MARICA

In the present work, the results of the assessment of the state of zooplankton communities are presented from different types of water bodies. For the study, water samples were collected and analyzed from three types of water basins: systematic pond (EC 1 lfov and EC 1 Cazaci - SCDP Nucet), semi-systematic pond (Iaz no. 7 Crevedia) and reservoir (Bunget 2). The research was carried out in 2023, and the results highlighted the fact that the composition of the zooplankton in the aquatic ecosystems studied was made up of species belonging to the taxonomic groups: Rotifera, Copepoda and Cladocera. Based on these aspects, the qualitative and quantitative structure of the zooplankton in the studied water basins was established. Were identified 24 taxa (16 taxa - Rotifera, 3 taxa - Copepoda and 5 taxa - Cladocera). The weight of each taxonomic group is different in the three types of ecosystems: in the systematic pond -type water basins, cladocerans predominate (38.7% in EC 1 Cazaci and 44.0% in EC 1 Ilfov), in semi-systematic pond Iaz no. 7 Crevedia rotifers predominate (69.5%) and in Bunget 2 reservoir copepods predominate (49.5%).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1

The purpose of the research is to explore the relationship of the polymorphism of the FABP3 gene with milk yield per standard 120-day milking period (TMM120) in ewes from the Bulgarian Dairy Synthetic population from the herd of the Agricultural Institute-Shumen. In the experiment were involved 111 ewes of different lactations. Ewes were selected by birth type (single, twins, triplets) and had 343 milk yield records for a standard 120 days milking period. Two alleles and two genotypes were identified in the studied animals in exon 2 of the FABP3 gene (SNP3) by the PCR-RFLP technique with BseDI endonuclease. The association of the FABP3 gene polymorphism with the milk productivity of sheep was investigated by the one-way analysis of variance ANOVA model. In this study of BDSP ewes, the presence of a homozygous GG genotype at SNP3 of FABP3 resulted in increased milk yield in 2nd lactation ewes and in co-twin ewes.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Ioana BOLOHAN, Roxana LAZAR, Bianca Maria MADESCU, Paul Corneliu BOIȘTEANU

With an integrative approach to research, this study explores the taxonomy and complex evolutionary history of birds, employing an integrative research approach in order to deconstruct the multi-faceted narrative of bird evolution. By converging molecular phylogenetics, comparative morphology, and biogeographic analyses, we conducted a comprehensive taxonomic reassessment, resulting in fine-tuning the classification of birds and revealing novel phylogenetic relationships. Our exploration extends into the fossil record, where the integration of paleontological data and molecular clock analyses illuminates key evolutionary steps. Our findings highlight a dynamic evolutionary trajectory characterized by diversification events and adaptive radiations that have intricately shaped the avian lineage across geological epochs. Advanced imaging technologies and biomechanical assessments further enrich our understanding of the morphological adaptations underlying avian ecological niches. This multidimensional research not only propels the field of avian taxonomy forward but also provides a nuanced perspective on the complicated coevolutionary dance between birds and their environments. The study provides valuable insights into the broader landscape of avian evolutionary biology, enhancing our understanding of the mechanisms that have sculpted avian diversity and ecological interactions over millions of years.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Tudor PĂPUC, Daniel COCAN, Radu CONSTANTINESCU, Camelia RĂDUCU, Daniela LADOȘI, Ioan LADOȘI, Călin LAȚIU, Paul UIUIU, George MUNTEAN, Vioara MIREȘAN

This review aims to analyse the use and effects of carotenoids in salmonid aquafeeds. Species of the family Salmonidae are of great interest for aquaculture due to their many properties, like fast growth and nutritional quality. Some species from this family are among the most farmed fish in the world. Thus, there are many studies on different farming technologies, fish biology, market dynamics and others. However, there are always new challenges in the aquaculture of salmonids, being a continuously improving activity. Consumers are becoming more considerate about what they choose to buy and consume. Thus, some aspects emerge as great influencers in the buying decisions of consumers, such as animal welfare, in addition to usual influencing factors, like product freshness and colour. A category of ingredients used in the salmonid aquaculture are carotenoids. They are pigments supplemented to diets for colouring the fish flesh, making it more appealing to consumers. However, some other benefits can also be observed, especially on the health of fishes. Be it synthetic or natural, carotenoids have become a largely used ingredient in salmonid aquafeeds.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Adriana-Ioana MORARU MANEA, Ioana-Alina POP, Diana MOIGRADEAN, Carmen Daniela PETCU, Delia-Gabriela DUMBRAVA, Viorica-Mirela POPA, Camelia MOLDOVAN, Diana-Nicoleta RABA, Mariana-Atena POIANA

This study evaluated the effects of incorporating fruit powder mixtures, consisting of sour cherries powder (SCP), blackcurrants powder (BCP) and cranberries powder (CP), as natural sodium nitrite substitutes on the sensory attributes of nitrite-free salami. Four powder mixtures (SCP+BCP, BCP+CP, CP+SCP and BCP+CP+SCP) have been included in the salami formulas at a dose to provide a total phenol content (TPC) of 90, 200 and 300 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/kg meat, with the minimum dose set according to the level of nitrite content per kg of processed meat (90 mg nitrite/kg). Before use, the fruits were slowly convective dehydrated at a temperature of 60°C. The results revealed that the addition of fruit powder mixtures impacted on the appearance of sample, while other sensory characteristics did not show any significant change. The highest overall acceptability was recorded for sample with BCP+CP+SCP in a dose that provided a TPC of 300 GAE/kg meat. Thus, fruit powders could become an attractive option in the formulation of nitrite-free meat products due to their high total phenol content.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Dorina-Marieta PURICE, Minodora MANU, Marilena ONETE

The aim of this paper is to highlight some interspecific relationships existing in epigeic invertebrate communities in natural forest ecosystems and plantations in the Western Romanian Plain. Nine sites were studied: 2 natural forests and 7 plantations. The material was collected with Barber traps during the summer season. The fauna was identified at the higher level of the species and Coleoptera: Carabidae - at species level, using specific identification keys. The following aspects were analysed: taxonomic composition, status of the taxa in the local coenoses from the point of view of their constancy classes in the samples, as well as the linear correlation coefficient (r) between the predatory taxa but also between the predators and their food sources. The results of this study highlight the importance of the coenotic heterogeneity in ensuring complex and long-lasting interspecific relationships along the path of ecological succession, resulting in a quality supply of environmental services provided by forests.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Nikolay MARKOV, Tsvetan MARKOV, Miroslav HRISTOV, Tsvetelina DIMITROVA

The study examined two groups of Bulgarian Rhodopean Cattle with differing genotypes, focusing on their hoof horn qualities and analyzing the effects of both internal and external factors on these traits. Employing a blend of visual, metric, anatomical, and topographical techniques, the research measured various aspects of the cows' hooves, including length, width, overall width, height, and the angle of the hooves on both the front and back legs. These measurements were taken during periods when the cows were housed in barns and while grazing in pastures. The study also calculated the hoof's weight-bearing surface in square centimeters and the ratio of the cow's live weight per unit area of this weight-bearing surface. Results indicated that for both genotypes, cows grazing in pastures had a higher weight-bearing area relative to their live weight. The research highlights the importance of cow mobility for their health, productivity, and longevity. A key finding is that the even growth of the hoof horn, which is crucial for the animal's well-being, depends on how the body weight is distributed across the limbs. Additionally, variations in hoof growth throughout different seasons were noted.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Ioana GUCIANU, Florin-Daniel LIPȘA, Bianca Georgiana ANCHIDIN, Elena-Iuliana FLOCEA, Paul Corneliu BOIȘTEANU, Marius Mihai CIOBANU

The main objective of the current study was to use a by-product from the deboning process of poultry meat and use it to produce products with high nutritional value. Four product assortments (chicken and turkey soup concentrate and chicken and turkey stock respectively) were produced using bone tissue of the two species as biological material. It was found that there were no significant differences in the technological process to obtain them, the most varied differences being evident in the raw chemical composition, where chicken broth concentrate had the highest percentages of water (69.5%), protein (20.1%) and collagen (18.2%) compared to chicken stock where a higher rate of fat (17.6%) was evident. In the case of turkey backbone products, the highest percentage of fat was found in the concentrated broth, with the stock having the highest percentages of water (65.2%), protein (18.8%), and collagen (17%). The color characteristics are closely related to the Maillard reaction resulting from the cooking operation of the biological material, resulting in products with a positive sensory appearance and microbiological safety.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Oana Andreea MASTAN, Aurelia COROIAN, Aurel DAMIAN, Marian MIHAIU, Igori BALTA, Anca BECZE, Adina Lia LONGODOR, Ioana SOIMUȘAN, Diana MESAROS, Ștefania MARIȘ

An important concern of man has become to have high-quality food for a healthy life. Fish such as rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are an important bioindicator of pollution. The accumulation of heavy metals represents a potential danger to public health. Trout is preferred and consumed by many people so any possible risk of ingesting metals through food chains should be assessed. The main organs studied according to specialized literature regarding the accumulation of heavy metals are the liver an the kidney, these organs play an important role in preventing the transfer of heavy metals to other organs, for example muscle tissue. As is known, the pollution of aquatic ecosystems has a direct impact on the entire aquaculture activity. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to monitor metals present in the two trout species in different areas.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Călin LAȚIU, Petru-Loredan UJICĂ, Radu CONSTANTINESCU, Tudor PĂPUC, George-Cătălin MUNTEAN, Paul UIUIU, Daniel COCAN, Maria Cătălina MATEI-LAȚIU, Cristian MARTONOS

Human consumption of fish meat is very heterogeneous, differing from one part of the world to another, from one country to another, from one region to another and is influenced by many factors. In terms of the level of importance of fish consumption globally, the main factor that ranks it among the top important foods is the high amount of protein it provides. In this survey, a series of 22 questions were addressed to people aged between 18 and 76+ summing 1017 respondents. This study reflects consumer perception on aquaculture goods and services in Romania. Respondents purchase fisheries and aquaculture products mostly from supermarkets, consider fish organoleptic properties to be very important, but also, they observe the poor supply of Romanian aquaculture products on the market.

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