ISSN 2285-5750, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769, ISSN-L 2285-5750, ISSN Online: 2393 – 2260

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Nicoleta DEFTA, Aurelia DEFTA (OSMAN), Nela DRAGOMIR, Ana-Maria SCRIPA

In recent years, healthy eating, the alarming problems of obesity and food advertising have become a topic of intense debate. These wide-ranging discussions explore how advertisements shape our perceptions of food, leading us to choose certain products. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate whether there are significant gender differences in the influence of communication campaigns and media on food choice. Data were collected using a questionnaire (114 people) and the statistical procedures used were descriptive statistics and Pearson Chi-Square test (testing the significance of differences). Testing the significance of the differences between the values observed in the study and the expected values, according to the formulated hypotheses, revealed that these differences are not significant with regard to the respondent's gender variable, in relation to the analysed items. The results obtained are informative in terms of food purchasing behaviour of food products.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Catalina SANDULEANU, Andra-Sabina NECULAI-VĂLEANU, Aida ALBU, Roxana Nicoleta RAȚU, Marius Giorgi USTUROI, Vasile VINTILĂ, Vasile MACIUC

In order to provide an up-to-date perspective on farm management techniques, a survey was conducted in a dairy cattle farm to study the relationships between management practices, milk yield and quality. A number of 310 Holstein Friesian cows reared for milk production in a semintensive farming condition were taken into study. Over the course of a year, individual milk analyses were performed on CombiScope FTIR milk analyzer (Delta Instruments, Netherlands). Milk yield per milking session was recorded daily using the AfiMilk system (Kibbutz, Israel). The analysis and interpretation of the results were correlated with the numerous observations made directly on the farm. The average calculated content, per normal lactation, was 8887.79 kg of milk, 369.05 kg fat, and 306.06 kg protein. A strong, positive relationship between milk yield and fat content, which means that an increase or decrease in milk production results in a corresponding change in the amount of fat contained. The yearly average percent of fat was 3.99 %, protein 3.32 %, casein 27.75 %, lactose 4.9 %, SCC 195,900 cells/ml were obtained in the studied farm.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Ion BALAN, Nicolae ROȘCA, Vladimir BUZAN, Ion MEREUȚA, Sergiu BALACCI, Roman CREȚU, Gheorghe BACU, Vlad TEMCIUC, Artiom FILIPPOV, Ecaterina VÎHRIST

In conditions of intensification of growth and improvement of farm animals and birds, in order to maintain the immune status of the organism it is necessary to monitor the state of the body's antioxidant system. The concentration of free radicals in the cells of the body can reach levels, at which the own antioxidant system is not able to deactivate the damaging agents, as a result of which oxidative stress can occur. Different remedies are used to correct oxidative stress, including natural and synthetic of various chemical nature, possessing antioxidant activity (AOA). The biochemical structure of vegetable origin remedies is close to the structure of metabolites of living organisms, which is conditioned by adaptation through evolution and correspondingly these remedies are more easily submit to the influence of fermentative systems, compared to synthetic analogues. In this way, the problem of researching and studying new opportunities and phytoprotective sources of natural antioxidants is currently being pursued. In this paper will be elucidated results about the influence of polyphenols extracted from nettle on the antioxidant activity in the blood serum of roosters.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Iuliu Gabriel MALOȘ, Daniela IANIȚCHI

This study is focused on the impact of parental age (rams of various ages mated with 5-year-old ewes) on the weight and quality of skins in Karakul lambs - Grey variety. The main objective was to analyze the effects of parental age on the weight and quality of lambs skins. Dates used come from the S.C.D.C.O.C. Popăuţi records, Botoșani County, Romania, and their analysis was conducted at the USAMV of Bucharest. Research methods included weighting of the lambs immediately after their birth and evaluating the quality characteristics of the curl and other relevant traits in the first two days of their life. The results proved a variety of birth weights ranging from 3.18 to 5.05 kg, as well as a performance classified in the Record and Elite zootechnical class. The study's conclusions highlight that parental age plays a significant role in giving the weight and quality of lamb skins at birth.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Gheorghe DOBROTĂ, Nicoleta-Georgeta DOBROTĂ, Nino MARICA, Silvia RADU

The culture of the pike-perch(Sander lucioperca, L.-1758), in intensive aquaculture, is difficult to achieve due to its character as an active predator in the water mass. In recent years, significant quantities of pike-perch are requested by consumers, being more and more numerous those who prefer this species. Choosing the most appropriate food category is very important, because it can make the difference between the success or failure of development in the post-embryonic development stage. The experimental works for the development of the pike-perchtook place in three variants, with different food being administered, as follows: variant 1 - zooplankton (Daphnia sp.) was administered, variant 2 - prussian carp larvae (Carrassius gibelio) were administered and variant 3 - granulated feed was administered.The growth was carried out in "Evos" fiberglass tanks. The results obtained were very good in variant 2. Good results were also obtained in the other two variants (variant 1 and variant 3). The decision of the way of post-embryonic development remains at the farmer's choice..

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Ionela Florentina TOMA (ENACHE), Gratziela Victoria BAHACIU, Daniela IANIȚCHI, Nela DRAGOMIR, Iuliana Ștefania BOLOLOI, Carmen Georgeta NICOLAE

Fish by-products have a great potential for use, both for the food industry and for other industries. Salmon and tuna are valuable species for the food industry, especially those sold as fillets or steaks, but the by-products have a low economic value or are turned into waste. The aim of this study is to obtain new foods by salmon and tuna by-products in order to integrate them into human consumption. Five types of biscuits were created with salmon and tuna byproducts added as salmon oil and fish meat. The products were made in the Bakery Pilot Station of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest. After creating the recipes and obtaining the products, the degree of consumer acceptance was established by performing tastings and completing evaluation tests. The evaluation criteria were: taste, aroma, color, general appearance and consistency (five-point hedonic scale). The results showed that the biscuits with salmon meat and dehydrated onion were the most appreciated by consumers.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Adina NICHITA, Mona Elena POPA

This review is based on a bibliographic study of over 70 articles published between 2001-2023 and tried to highlight the most important valorization directions, as well as the most used valorization methods of waste from the food industry, for the purpose of environmental sustainability. The recycling of waste in the cascade helps to solve problems related to the environment, economic, social, ethical, etc. Waste recovery methods are diversified depending on the type of waste, requiring in-depth studies, innovative technologies, an appropriate legislative framework, as well as alternative solutions, etc., so as to obtain zero waste. Current perspectives come in the face of finding alternative solutions, such as meat analogous and food industry sustainability approaches.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Mihail Alexandru GRAS, Catalin DRAGOMIR

The evolutionary adaptation of the ruminant to convert pasture to animal products may have been successful, but ruminant production has an unwanted by-product (greenhouse gases), that is detrimental to the environment. The greenhouse effect is a term used to highlight the contribution of certain emitted gases to the warming of the Earth's atmosphere. The gases responsible for the greenhouse effect are: water, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone. Of the total GHG emissions in 2021, 10.7% were emitted by the agricultural sector. In developed countries, numerous research projects have been funded over time by which emission factors (of greenhouse gases) associated with various activities carried out at the level of a farm (e.g., feeding, manure management) or various influencing factors of them (e.g., the average temperature of the area). The present study aims to analyze characteristics of 19 carbon footprint estimation tools, developed and used all around the world, and to set the most suitable system for estimation on the ruminant farms level.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Georgeta ȘTEFAN, Corina Nicoleta PREDESCU

The control of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) growth in dry fermented salami represents an important issue in food safety for the meat processing industry. The dry fermented salami represent ready to eat meat products (RTE) with a long shelf life. According to the Regulation (EC) no.2073/2005, Lm represents a food safety criteria for RTE products . Lm is the pathogen agent of human listeriosis, an emerging global zoonoses. The human listeriosis is one of the most severe food born disease that affects certain risk categories in the human population, mainly transmitted during consumption of contaminated food. The purpose of our study is to evaluate the effect of bioprotection cultures for dry fermented salami to control the Lm growth. The bioprotection cultures contain strains of Pediococcus acidilactici that produces pediocin, a bacteriocin with antimicrobial action against Gram positive bacteria, including Lm. The Lm counts during fermentation-smoking and ripening-drying stages highlights that the Lm number decreased by 3.2 log cfu/g during the 30 days in the batch LII , whereas the reduction in the batch LI ( without bioprotection culture - the control batch ) was 1,03 log cfu/g.Based on results, the use of bioprotection cultures is a useful measure to control the Lm growth for the dry fermented salami. It represents a preventive measure of human listeriosis during the food consumption.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Mădălina MATEI, Silvia-Ioana PETRESCU, Elena-Iuliana FLOCEA, Dragoș Mihai LĂPUȘNEANU, Daniel SIMEANU, Ioan Mircea POP

MOSH/MOAH in a food product may result from unintentional contamination occurring at various levels of the supply chain or migration from packaging. This preliminary research aims to evaluate the differences and variations in contamination levels between raw and processed milk samples to assess the contamination risk associated with milk processing. Using LC-GC-FID, mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOSH; MOAH) were quantified in eight milk samples. A T-test was applied to evaluate the differences in the distribution of carbonic sub-fractions and total levels of MOSH and MOAH contamination (n-C10-50) in experimental samples of unprocessed milk and lyophilized milk. All statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS Statistics 26.0 and GraphPad Prism 9 software packages. The results of the comparative analysis revealed that milk processing operations had a significant impact on the variation of the MOH contamination level in the freeze-dried milk. MOSH and MOAH content varied significantly between initial samples (0.8-8.7 mg/kg MOSH; 0-2.8 mg/kg MOAH) and final samples (4.5-13.1 mg/kg MOSH; 3.2-5.35 mg/kg MOAH). These results are relevant for evaluating the impact of the freeze-drying process on these contaminants.

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