ISSN 2285-5750, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769, ISSN-L 2285-5750, ISSN Online: 2393 – 2260

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Magda NENCIU, Victor NIȚĂ

Climate change calls for the diversification of aquaculture species, seeking alternatives tolerating warmer summer temperatures. In this context, the research on the adaptability of gilthead seabream Sparus aurata (Linnaeus, 1758) for Romanian marine aquaculture was performed. The experiment demonstrated the possibility of transferring three months old juveniles from a 36‰ salinity into Black Sea water (mean salinity 15‰), without any mortality. The evolution of the stress induced by the difference in salinity was carefully monitored. Glycemic levels between 68-82 mg/dl before, 157-171 mg/dl one hour after the sudden change in salinity and 115-124 mg/dl at 24 hours were documented, respectively. Corroborated with the color changes and the resumption of active feeding and schooling behavior, it can be inferred that the use of the species is feasible in Romania. An average biomass increase comparable to relevant literature was documented: from seven grams initially to 300 grams. The biochemical analysis of the meat also revealed a balanced composition. Overall, S. aurata proved a viable candidate for Western Black Sea cage aquaculture in a rotational system, complementary to colder water species.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Andrada-Elena MOISE, Minodora TUDORACHE, Ioan CUSTURĂ, Dănuţ Nicolae ENEA, Aurelia OSMAN, Dumitru DRĂGOTOIU

This paper investigates the evolution of the poultry industry in recent decades, highlighting technological advances and socio-economic changes that have influenced the production and consumption of poultry meat. By analysing data on genetic selection, feeding technologies and impact on animal health, the paper highlights how the poultry industry has become a key pillar of food security. Consumer preferences and consumption trends, including demand for poultry semi-finished products, are also examined. This analysis provides a comprehensive insight into the evolution of the poultry industry and its impact on society, highlighting the importance of continuous research and innovation to ensure sustainable and high-quality poultry meat production.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Gabriela AMARIȚII, Andra-Sabina NECULAI-VĂLEANU, Vasile MACIUC

The objective of this study is to present the findings of a welfare assessment conducted on dairy cows reared in an intensive farming system, in a farm from the north-east of Romania. The assessment utilized well-being indices outlined in the TIERWOHL-CHECK programe, which was designed for German farmers. The results of the assessment, particularly focusing on the body condition score (BCS) of RM and late-gestation period female cows, indicate elevated percentages of overweight cows, ranging from 30.77% to 37.5%. Additionally, the prevalence of lame animals was notably high (28%, surpassing the recommended threshold of 10%). These welfare indices serve as indicators of the extent to which optimal rearing conditions are maintained, and the findings underscore the necessity for prompt interventions to enhance various aspects such as the comfort of lying spaces, the quality of bedding, and certain housing conditions. These measures are imperative for improving the overall welfare of the animals in question.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Erzsebet OLARIU

Privatization emerged as a consequence of nationalization and remains an ongoing contemporary process. After the fall of the communist regime in Romania, the Romanian economy has moved to a competitive market economy from the centralized economy based on the plan-based leadership system. A new economic system based on the requirements of the free competitive market was desired, respecting the principles of economy, sustainability. The paper tries to answer the question of how the sustainability of the aquaculture sector was influenced during this period. The study concludes that the transition that included privatization brought about changes for which the aquaculture sector was not fully prepared. Following the impact, a large part of the companies was liquidated, the sector could not cover the needs of fish consumption in Romania. The way to change the type of property including its management requires the wisdom to learn from the experiences of others, from their own experience, more that the privatization process in Romania still has a lot of potential.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1

In the structure of the animal husbandry production, a prominent place belongs to the pig industry thanks to the valuable products and quick payback. However, when providing the population with food, a large amount of waste accumulates, which is not only a valuable organic fertilizer, but also a producer of environmental pollution, since gaseous air pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere during their decomposition. As a result of the conducted research, the effectiveness of the investigated mineral fertilizers – phosphorite flour and slaked lime in reducing the level of ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions from pig manure at storing it in lagoons was established. In particular, it was established that the addition of phosphorite flour and slaked lime to the pig manure in lagoons contributes to lower emissions of gases (NH3, CO2, CH4, NO, H2S), respectively by 18.4-33.6% and 8.8-30.8%. At the same time as the emission of the studied gases decreases, mineral fertilizers provide a lower level of the pH, i.e. it shifts to the acidic side. Thus, the establishment of the effectiveness of the investigated mineral fertilizers on the reduction of emissions of harmful gases from pig manure during its storage in lagoons indicate the perspective of their use to prevent environmental pollution in the pig industry.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Silvia Ioana PETRESCU, Cristina Gabriela RADU-RUSU, Mădălina MATEI, Anamaria Hortensia STRICHEA, Dragoș Mihai LĂPUȘNEANU, Ioan Mircea POP

Raising awareness and educating dog owners about weight gain and the risk of obesity in their animals has become a priority for veterinarians and nutritionists. The prevalence of obesity in dogs in the United States and some European countries has been estimated to range from 30% to 70%. In the current research, external factors related to the animal, the owner and the family members of the investigated dogs were observed in relation to the implementation of nutritional programmes for excess weight management. Exogenous factors discussed included the physical activity level, environment and lifestyle of the animal, and the influence and behaviour of the owners and family members involved in the dog's weight loss programme. The research highlights the importance of obese dog owners' awareness and acceptance of the need to implement and run nutritional weight management programmes to improve the health and well-being of the animal.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Mihai Cătălin CIOBOTARU, Diana-Remina MANOLIU, Mădălina MATEI, Beatrice Angela GHEORGHE, Paul Corneliu BOIȘTEANU, Marius Mihai CIOBANU

A significant challenge in today's food industry is managing leftover bone waste, which is often disposed of as household or abattoir waste if it is not economically used. This study aims to integrate beef bone broth into a functional product with a diverse meat structure. The study seeks to explore sensory changes induced by cattle bone broth properties on product quality and assess consumer acceptance. Two sets of sausages were made, one from pork shoulder and the other from pork loin, each with four groups: a control sample and three variations with 3%, 6%, and 9% cattle bone broth. Sensory analysis involved 80 untrained evaluators. Acceptability tests showed a strong preference for batches with bone broth, with over 60% positive feedback. The batches with a high percentage of acceptability by evaluators are represented by batches SAU2, SAU4, and SAU7. Among the sensory attributes associated with these batches were juiciness, tenderness, overall aroma, and bone broth aroma. Adding bone broth significantly enhanced pork sausages' sensory attributes and appeal, offering a sustainable approach to waste utilization and consumer satisfaction.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Diana-Remina MANOLIU, Marius Mihai CIOBANU, Mihai Cătălin CIOBOTARU, Bianca Georgiana ANCHIDIN, Paul Corneliu BOIȘTEANU

The meat industry is making technological advancements in order to provide food that is both healthier and more sustainable. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the impacts that may be attributed to the incorporation of whole fruits or byproducts in a variety of forms into different meat products. The review investigated the effects that these incorporations have on physicochemical and technological features, sensory characteristics, and the potential to improve shelf life. The incorporation of fruit fiber into meat products led to an increase in cooking yield, emulsion stability, capacity to bind water and fat. However, it also resulted in a reduction in shrinkage, cooking losses and pH, with variations depending on the concentration, type, initial pH, and storage period. The addition of dietary fiber led to an increase in hardness and chewiness, despite the fact that it enhanced the water-holding capacity and reduced the cooking loss. It was found that the effect on the instrumental color characteristics and color sensory perception differed depending on the source of the addition and its color.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Ioan LADOȘI, Alexandru Marius DEAC, Ileana MICLEA, Daniela LADOȘI, Marius ZĂHAN

Piglet birth weight plays a vital role in determining their growth performance and productivity of the farming systems. Moreover, piglet birth weight could be also a predictor for piglet survival and subsequent growth. A negative impact of litter size on piglet birth weight has been acknowledged, as large litters have reduced average piglet birth weights and increased within-litter birth weight variation. Consequently, comprehending the elements that influence piglet birth weight can have substantial financial effects on swine farming. A large scale trial was performed in several Romania commercial farms in order to identify the implications of the size of the production system on the piglet birth weight, survival and growth to weaning. Analysis of the records seems to suggest that there is a high variability in this respect among farms with similar rearing conditions and genetics. However, the survival rate to weaning of the low birth weight piglets (LW <1.3 kg) is low irrespective of the size of the farm. In contrast the high birth weight piglets (HW >1.3 kg) seems to thrive in both large, small or medium size units.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Sergiu BALACCI, Ion BALAN, Vladimir BUZAN, Nicolae ROȘCA, Ion MEREUȚA, Vlada FURDUI, Galina OSIPCIUC, Roman CREȚU, Gheorghe BACU, Parascovia ȚURCANU

The study presents the results of the research on the epidemiological situation of the rabies virus following the vaccination campaign of the fox population in the sylvatic environment in the last 5 years on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Both in Europe and in the Republic of Moldova, Vulpes vulpes represents in the sylvatic environment the main vector of the spread of rabies in wild and domestic animal populations. In 2019-2023 in the Republic of Moldova were registered 12 species of animals that reacted positively to the rabies virus. The most frequent cases of rabies in animals were registered in cattle, dogs, foxes, cats and constituted 93.72% of the total number of registered cases (239). Following the start in 2020 of the fox vaccination campaign, there was observed a decrease in the incidence of rabies in 2021 by 74.73%, in 2022 by 85.71% and in 2023 by 76.92% compared to 2019. The obtained data demonstrate that the application of vaccine baits by air and land has led to the immunization of wild animals and the reduction of the sick animals number.

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