ISSN 2285-5750, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769, ISSN-L 2285-5750, ISSN Online: 2393 – 2260

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Laurentius RUMOKOY, Agnitje RUMAMBI, Merci Rosyanty WAANI, Wisje Lusia TOAR

The antigen thoraxial extracted from some insects indicated a potential in immunity system amelioration in mammalian. This study aimed to evaluate the growth performance of goats immunized with IATMd (immunogen antigens of Musca domestica). Twelve goats were used in this experiment. Each experiment animal was treated with 10 μl of thoraxial antigens of Musca domestica. The animals were divided into two groups: control group and treated group. The growth performances were evaluated under three parameters: Body weight gain, feed intake and FCR. All animals were fed with the same feed. The data were collected during eight weeks and analyzed by using t-student procedure. The results showed that FCR of the animas in treatment group was significance higher than in the control group (P<0.05) while there has no different statistically on body weight gain (P>0.05). It was concluded that immunization of IATMd extract could improve nutrient metabolism in goats that play a role in FCR value of these animals experiment.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Mioara COSTACHE, Mihail COSTACHE, Nino MARICA, Daniela RADU, Carmen Georgeta NICOLAE

The growth technologies for the complex exploitation of the aquatic basins from the traditional fish farms are regarding the location of some intensive growth modules such as battery of net pens (total surface/module 2000 m2) or floating cages (total volume/module 576 m3), within fish ponds. These growth modules allow obtaining additional quantities of fish on the same unit area and raising valuable species of different ages like catfish, carp, sturgeon, tilapia, etc, through the efficient exploitation of aquatic bioresources. For administered feed, FCR was in the range of 1.5-2.5 kg of feed/kg fish weight gain. Applying the growth technology into combined system it is possible to achieve a total production of 2,400 - 2,800 kg/ha (60-65% achieved in the host pond and 35-40% in the battery of net pens or floating cages). Bioeconomic studies demonstrates the profitability of the combined system and the developed technology, obtaining a profit rate of 1.26 for the pond-net pens system, respectively 1.56 for the floating cages-pond system.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Alexandra MARINA, Stelian DARABAN, Radu CONSTANTINESCU, Daniel COCAN, Camelia RADUCU, Calin LATIU, Paul UIUIU, Vioara MIRESAN

Goats are extremely prone to many metabolic diseases that lead to disturbance milk production and their general health. The purpose of this paper was to highlight the particularities of hematological profile Carpathian goat breed according to age and physiological status. The study was conducted in a farm in Poiana Aiudului area, Livezile county of Alba, during July 2020 - March 2021. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein into EDTA bottles in the period preceding the mount, at the beginning of the gestation and postpartum period. Blood samples were transported in refrigerated conditions (4 degrees C) to the USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Veterinary Medicine Laboratory. The hematological profile was structured in the following elements: White blood cells (WBC-10^9/l), Lymphocyte (LYM- 10^9/l), Monocyte (MON-10^9/l), Neutrophils (NEU-10^9/l), Lymphocyte percentage (LY-%), Monocyte percentage (MO-%), Neutrophils percentage (NE-%), Red blood cells (RBC-10^12/l), Hemoglobin (HGB-g/l), Hematocrit (HCT- %), Mean corpuscular volume (MCV- ʄl), Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH-pg), Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC-g/dl), Red cell distribution width (RDWc-%). The results obtained were statistically processed, being beneficial in making faster and more efficient decisions to ensure the welfare and health of goats.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Madalina Alexandra DAVIDESCU, Mitica CIORPAC, Steofil CREANGA

In molecular genetics analysis, isolation and quantification of DNA represents a step extremely important. DNA isolation methods are based on purity, integrity and the amount of DNA obtained. The degree of DNA purity is one of the most important factors in the reproducibility of the PCR method. DNA is considered pure if the ratio of the two spectrophotometric readings, A260/A280, shows values between 1.7 - 2.0. Values lower than 1.7 indicate impurities with proteins, and a ratio higher than 2.0 indicates impurities with other contaminants. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the automatic method of DNA extraction from a number of 24 blood samples collected from Pinzgauer cattle breed, for the analysis of genetic diversity. The amounts of DNA extracted from the 24 blood samples ranged from 13-61.9 ng/μl and the absorbance ratio A260/A280 showed values between 1.61-2.13. The results obtained demonstrated the effectiveness of the automatic method of DNA extraction, and thus, isolated and quantified genetic material can be used further in the next stages of genomic analysis of this breed.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Roxana Nicoleta LAZĂR, Daniela MOȚ, Ersilia ALEXA, Marius BOLDEA, Lavinia ȘTEF, Silvia PĂTRUICĂ

The productivity of bee colonies is strongly influenced by genetics and age of the queen, by health status of bee colonies, the honey potential of the area where they are maintained, but also by the meteorological factors that condition the capitalization of the honey source. Scientific research in beekeeping, carried out in recent years, has been aimed at improving the genetics of existing biological material in order to improve productive performance and disease resistance, but also to use technological measures of maintenance to achieve these objectives. The use of essential oils as a technological measure in the stimulation of bee colonies has shown favorable effects on the prolificacy of the queen (essential oils of thyme, basil, oregano, mint, rosemary, juniper), improvement of the health of bees (essential oils of juniper, thyme, basil, oregano, cinnamon) correlated with the increase in honey production.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Nicolae ROŞCA, Ion BALAN, Gheorghe BORONCIUC, Vladimir BUZAN, Ion MEREUŢA, Iulia CAZACOV, Melania BUCARCIUC

Obtaining high-quality reproductive material from different species of animals is one of the most important problems of purposefully solving and preserving the animal species, improving the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the resulting products of different animal species, and it can also be predetermined as an important factor in the conservation of biodiversity. This article presents an analysis of the results of the review of specialized literature and experimental data obtained in our laboratory. As a result of the impact of external negative factors on the functioning of the reproductive system of males and the quality of reproductive material, it encourages specialists and researchers in this area to conduct additional comprehensive studies of the reproductive potential of males and to prevent the occurrence of such disorders at any level of organization of the functioning of the reproductive system and the quality of spermatogenesis. All these disorders lead to a lack of antioxidants, which in turn lead to the formation and accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Tatiana SHISHKINA, Tatiana GUSEVA, Alexey NAUMOV

The influence of the genotype for the Holstein breed on the longevity and life-long productivity of black-and-white cows was studied, and the intensity and reasons for the retirement of animals from the herd were analyzed. For this purpose, in the conditions of the breeding farm of the CJSC "Konstantinovo" of the Penza region, two groups were formed from the number of retired animals: group I with a blood content of the Holstein breed of less than 75% and group II with a blood content of more than 75%. As a result of the studies, it was found that the lifetime productivity of cows in group I was 24908 kg, which is 3816 kg higher than that of cows in the second group (P>0.95). The indicator of the period of economic use of cows was also higher in animals with a blood content of less than 75% for the Holstein breed - 4.58 units versus 3.66 in cows with a blood content of more than 75% (P> 0.99). According to the analysis of the reasons for cow retirement, depending on bloodiness, it was revealed that with blood content in the Holstein breed of less than 75%, the highest dropout rate is low productivity and udder diseases; if the blood in the Holstein breed is more than 75%, the largest dropout rate is leg diseases and other reasons.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2

Results of studies about fattening and meat qualities of Large White young pigs of different genotypes by melanocortin receptor gene 4 (MC4R) are presented, as well as level of correlations between these traits and some biochemical indicators of blood serum. It was established that biochemical parameters of blood serum and concentration of total lipoproteins (mg%) of young pigs correspond to physiological norm of clinically healthy animals, fattening and meat qualities of animals of different genotypes by melanocortin receptor gene 4 (MC4R) correspond to I and elite class. Considering intrabreed differentiation by genotype, difference between animals of II (MC4RAG) and I (MC4RAA) groups in average daily gain in live weight during the control fattening period is 91.9 g (td = 7.00, P<0.001), in length of chilled carcass is 0.8 cm (td = 0.78, P>0.05), in length of the bacon side of chilled half carcass is 1.2 cm (td = 0.48, P>0.05), in thickness of fatback at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae is 1.8 mm (td = 2.22, P<0.01) and in age of reaching live weight of 100 kg is 9.9 days (td = 5.78, P<0.001).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Bianca Maria MĂDESCU, Roxana LAZĂR, Marius Mihai CIOBANU, Paul Corneliu BOIȘTEANU

This work reviews the most important aspects of the characterization of the Aubrac beef cattle breed. Into the Romania, this cattle breed was first imported in 2013, from France, after an extensive initial documentation. According to data published by M.A.D.R. in 2018, 808 Aubrac heads were registered, currently more than 2000 heads were registered. Aubrac is an old breed from France, originating from the Aubrac Mountains (southern Central Massif), which in the last 4 years has become an important object of interest for beef cattle breeders in our country. The meat obtained from Aubrac cattle has a beautiful red, intensely marbled, with a high protein content and its subtle aromas makes it one of the tastiest and most appreciated beef. This paper wants to emphasize that the exploitation of this breed in our country could bring great benefits to farmers, being a breed adaptable to environmental conditions in Romania and with extraordinary meat qualities. The paper also reviews the most relevant information in the literature on the Aubrac beef cattle breeds.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXIV, Issue 2
Written by Petya ZAHARIEVA, Diana KIRIN

In 2020, 30 specimens of common nase (Chondrostoma nasus Linnaeus, 1758) were caught. A total of 6 samples of water and sediments were collected from the Danube River, near the Kudelin village, north western Bulgaria. Tissues and organs of common nase, water and sediments from the Danube River ecosystem for cadmium (Cd) content were studied. In the samples of tissues and organs of common nase, the highest concentrations of Cd were found in the liver (CCd = 1.21 ± 0.39 wet weight). The concentrations of cadmium decrease in the order: liver > skin > muscles. The study presented the bioconcentration factor and the linear correlation coefficient of Spearman. The study compared the norms specified in national and international documents with obtained concentrations for cadmium in tissues and organs of common nase and water and sediments.

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