ISSN 2285-5750, ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769, ISSN-L 2285-5750, ISSN Online: 2393 – 2260

Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Nikolay MARKOV, Miroslav HRISTOV, Tsvetomira BANCHEVA, Svetoslava STOYCHEVA, Tsvetelina DIMITROVA, Lora MONDESHKA

The milk productivity of cows from 'Bulgarian Rhodope cattle’, reared on the farm of the Experimental Base of the Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Troyan and the farm of Deyan Filipov, in the town of Strazhitsa, was analyzed. Milk productivity, physicochemical composition, dry matter, dry fat-free residue (DFR) and energy value of milk were studied. The percentage of dry matter is a generalizing, constant feature that determines the concentration of cow’s milk. The live weight of the studied animals was also determined. The biological efficiency and the coefficient of biological sufficiency of milk were calculated by formulas. The physicochemical parameters of milk of the studied animals of both genotypes showed different values. Live weight of cows bred in the area of the town of Troyan is higher than that of those reared in the area of the town of Smolyan by 27.55 kg. The coefficients for biological efficiency and biological sufficiency show that cows with a genotype typical of the region of the town of Strazhitsa gave more food production per 1 kg of live weight.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Jet Saartje MANDEY, Meity SOMPIE, Cherly J. PONTOH, Christina JUNUS

This study was conducted to investigate the carcass and cutting yields, meat qualitative traits and sensory evaluation of broiler chickens fed diet contain clove and treated of carrot in drinking water. A total of 200 D.O.C of broilers were used. The experiment utilized a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Treatments were carrot juice consist of 0, 10, 20, 30 ml/liter water, respectively. Based diet consist of commercial diet 73%, corn 23%, clove meal 1%, and palm oil 3%. Results showed that water intake was significantly decreased, carcass weight, slaughter weight cutting yield, and giblet were non significantly difference but gizzard was significantly increased. Blood triglyceride was non significantly difference, HDL-cholesterol was significant increased, LDL-cholesterol, blood glucose and SGOT were significantly decreased. Cooking loss, WHC and water content of meat were non significantly difference but tenderness was significantly decreased. The color, aroma, texture and taste of meat were non significantly difference. It can be concluded that carrot juice in drinking water could be acceptable up to 30 ml per liter water when given to broiler chickens fed diet contain clove meal.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Dumitru BACALU, Mircea Cătălin ROTAR, Livia VIDU, Iuliana CRÎNGANU, Carmen Georgeta NICOLAE

The Holstein-Friesian breed is the best known and most representative breed that produces large quantities of the best quality milk. A healthy Holstein calf weighs 40 kg at birth. Holstein bulls can weigh up to 1180 kg. The growth and development of calves are influenced by environmental conditions, but also by feed. For this study, the calf breeding group from the 0-3 months category was used. Calves were tested from a nutritional point of view, both in terms of the lactating diet and the concentrate mixture at different protein levels. The consumption of the mixture of concentrates per animal was measured, following the development of calves in this category and metabolic problems. The rations were differentiated by protein level. It was found that there are statistically significant differences in feed consumption due to the different ratios applied and the type of milk administered according to the feeding schedule.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Mirela CREȚU, Lorena Dediu, Marian-Tiberiu COADĂ, Cristian RÎMNICEANU, Săndița PLĂCINTĂ, Maria Desimira STROE, Ion VASILEAN

This experiment aimed to compare the growth and development of two aromatic herbs, thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and basil (Ocimum basilicum var Aristotle) in an aquaponic system with Carassius auratus, versus a hydroponic system. The experiment took place at the pilot system from University Dunărea de Jos, Galați, Faculty of Food Science and Engineering. The system consists of six rearing units for fish and twelve units for plants (filled with substrate light expanded clay aggregate L.E.C.A.), led lamps for plants with purple light (36 W), biological and mechanical filters, and pumps for water recirculation. Three rearing units were populated with Carassius auratus at a stocking density of 20.93± 0.11 kg m-3 and the other three were left without fish. For the hydroponic treatment, a nutritive solution was added daily to support plant growth. Plants units were populated with seedlings of thyme and basil. The physico-chemical parameters of water were measured twice per week during the trial. At the end of the trial, the fresh weight of the plants was measured, and it was concluded that the productivity of the plants was higher in the aquaponics units comparing the hydroponic units.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1

In this study, the productive performances of the ascendants and descendants of the cows' herd belonging to the 4 basic breeds were analyzed, as follows: Holstein, Bălțată cu negru românească (Romanian Black Spotted), Bălțată românească (Romanian Spotted), and Brună de Maramureș (Maramures Bown), from 7 farms of Neamț county, which were encoded with numbers from 1 to 7. For the analysis of the ascendants' performances - mother (M), paternal grandmother (MT), and maternal grandmother (MM) - and of the offspring' performance, 3 indicators were determined regarding the milk production: the quantity per normal lactation (kg), the percent of fat, and the percent of protein. It was found that the best milk production in normal lactation of offspring was recorded in farm 2 (6161.25 kg), where a mixed herd of Holstein and Bălțată cu negru românească breeds is raised. If we compare the phenotypic performances of the ascendants (mother of mother - MM), which realized an average milk production of 7205.44 kg, with the father's mother (MT) of 11.931 kg, and the mother's mother (MM) of 7949.83 kg we confirm that the phenotypic performance for the milk production in the offspring does not reach the level of those obtained by ancestry. This fact is due to management deficiency regarding the external factors.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Valentina CEBOTARI, Ion BUZU

The aim of this scientific paper was to identify and highlight the innovative technology of conservation and valorisation of the bee species Apis mellifera Carpatica in the conditions of climate change. Scientific research has been conducted on bee populations growth in the experimental apiary of the Institute of Zoology. Research results have shown that the sustainable selection of purebred bee families, with the application of innovative methods of genetic amelioration in climate change, contributes to the conservation of the population with an appropriate level of development of morpho-productive traits. The conservation of bee populations requires their protection from pesticide residues, which are more and more common in the flowers of some entomophilous agricultural plants. Knowledge of the most dangerous and widespread pesticide residues, identification of ecological biotopes, are necessary actions of technology for the conservation of bee populations. The maintenance of bee families in comfortable and ecological hives is one of the technological methods that ensure the conservation of the species and race of bees Apis mellifera Carpatica. The hives of vertical models have comfort advantages for bees, compared to the horizontal ones, and ensure an increase of the prolificacy of the queens - by 3.5% (td = 2.07; P <0.05), of the family power - by 6.0% (td = 2.41; P <0.05) and honey production by 19.1% (td = 5.33; P <0.001) and an economic efficiency of at least 23.8 euros per family of bees. Feeding bee families during poor harvesting periods in the wild with nutritious supplements, enriched with biologically active substances of different organic origin, contributes to strengthening the vital activity of bee families, ensuring the increase of queen prolificacy and the number of brood capacity by 7.7-45.9%; family power by 9.3-16.9%; flight intensity of bees by 6.8-7.7%; disease resistance by 5.0-8.4%; winter hardiness by 10.5%; the amount of wax raised in the nest by 36.7-39.3%; the amount of pasture with 23.3-27.6% and the amount of honey accumulated in the nest with 19.6-38.9%. Rational use of Apis mellifera Carpatica species and bee race can be achieved by exploiting bee families not only for obtaining bee products, but also for their use in the directed pollination of entomophilous agricultural crops that contribute to the increase of fruit harvest in orchards by 15-30 % and sunflower seeds with 21.3-36.3%.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Marius Gheorghe DOLIȘ, Georgeta DINIȚĂ, Claudia PÂNZARU

In order to assess the efficiency of use of mulberry leaf by the hybrid Băneasa Super of Bombyx mori larvae, during a series of growth, some determinations were made related to the nutritional value and digestibility of the three varieties of leaf. The results showed that the advanced vegetation stage and during each period of growth of silkworm larvae, the mulberry leaf undergoes an aging process, translated by the quality decrease regarding the chemical composition. According to this aspect, in most mulberry leaf nutrients other than cellulose, a continuous decrease in digestibility was observed throughout the growing period. The results show that for the Bombyx mori larvae, from mulberry leaf, an average of 10.38 grams of dry matter is ingested and 5.92 grams of digested dry matter is required for each gram of silky coating, which indicates an efficient conversion into silk of 9.65% of the intake (ECI), and 17% of digest (ECI).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Ionelia TARANU, Gina Cecilia PISTOL, Mihai Laurentiu PALADE, Cristina Valeria BULGARU, Mihaela HABEANU, Andrei Critian ANGHEL, Daniela MARIN

Fermented rapeseed meal could be an attractive feed source for piglets after weaning due to its high level of protein with special amino acids and bioactive compounds (polyphenols, PUFA, vitamins B, minerals, fiber) known for their antimicrobial, antioxidative and immunostimulatory effect and lower antinutrients. Lactic acid bacteria were mainly used for rapeseed meal fermentation while yeasts have been less used. The present study evaluated the effect of a diet including 10% rapeseed meal fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae on inflammation, oxidative and antioxidative response in spleen of pigs after weaning. The fermentation reduced efficiently glucosinolates level by half in fermented compared to unfermented rapeseed meal and enriched the rapeseed meal in several bioactive compounds such iron, zinc, manganese, n-6 and n-3 unsaturated fatty acids and fiber. Fermented diet reduced the concentration of two important mediators of inflammation, interleukine-1β (-10.28%) and interleukine-6 (-10.92%) and increased the concentration of IFN-γ (+15.36%), a cytokine involved in the antiviral and antibacterial response. An increase in antioxidant enzymes activity and a reduction in lipid peroxidation was also found in spleen of piglets fed fermented diet.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Stilyana YANEVA, Gradimir GRADEV, Tatyana BILEVA

Lesser Kestrel often nests in urban areas surrounded by agricultural areas. This makes the species largely dependent on human activity to availability of nesting places. The loss of natural nesting sites was one of the main reasons the species to become extinct in the late 20th century in Bulgaria. After it was recovered as a breeding species in country, one of the main goals of the expert is to make the colony stable. For implementation of these goals, it is necessary to provide a suitable nesting place for the species. Field studies show that the provision of artificial nest boxes for Lesser Kestrel resulted in increasing of numbers and strengthening existing colonies. There are different types of artificial nest boxes like: Classic wall, cavity wall, under-roof and etc. Conducting daily observations of the birds, the colony’s nesting territory was determined - concentrated around the Lesser Kestrel Release and Adaptation Module. In the past years large proportion of the Lesser Kestrel population in Bulgaria nested in artificial nest boxes thus proving that species easily occupies artificial nests designed for it.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Svetoslava STOYCHEVA, Tsvetomira BANCHEVA, Lora MONDESHKA, Tsvetelina DIMITROVA, Miroslav HRISTOV, Nikolay MARKOV

Rectal temperature dynamic was studied in newborn kids of different type of birth during the first hour of postnatal life. The study involved 37 goat kids of Bulgarian White Dairy breed and its crossbreeds with Anglo-Nubian and Togenburg - 19 single kids and 36 twins kids. Rectal temperature of the newborns kids was recorded at birth, at 15, 30, 45 and 60 min after delivery. The dynamic of the rectal temperature during the first hour after birth did not differ significantly in single and twins. In both singles and twins, the rectal temperature began to decline, with singles it reached its minimum on the 45th minute and on the 30th in twins. The difference between the highest and the lowest value of the indicator was 0.94ºC in the singles and 0.77ºC in the twins. The established values indicated activation of appropriate thermoregulatory responses responsible for the kid's ability to maintain the body's homeotherm within normal physiological limits during the early postnatal period.

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